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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/2606324-Catching-the-One-That-Got-Away
by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1510047
A mysterious book allows you to disguise yourself as anyone.
This choice: Lisa Yarborough  •  Go Back...
Chapter #44

Catching the One That Got Away

    by: rugal b.
r u serious?!?!?! comes a text from Cindy.

yeah, you text back, i want lisa for my beta.

You don't hear any kind of positive or negative confirmation back but instead get a text from Jessica asking you to meet at the studio right away. You tell her that you have something planned with Reagan Hackett but she's insistent, texting you back that this is more important. So reluctantly you text Reagan to tell her that something came up and that you're not going to be able to meet with her. She seems disappointed so you mollify her by promising to meet with her after school tomorrow and it does seem to work, thankfully.

You drive out to the storage facility where Jessica seems to have made it just before you. Once you're parked she's quick to hustle you side the building and into not the studio you've seen but a unit right next to it, largely bare minus a box, a mirror, some weightlifting equipment and a few other small things. She practically forces you to sit on the bench.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asks and though her voice isn't raised her tone is harsh.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"I mean," she says while pacing, "are you really going to be doing this? Like you're going to get revenge on your ex or something? Force her to be your girlfriend?"

"Am I going to..." You trail off. Well, it wouldn't be a lie to say you had thought of the latter so in this case you do lie. "Why do you think I want to get revenge on her? Or force her to... no," you protest. "But I want to get back at her dickhead boyfriend."

"So you're going to make her a beta, use her as, I dunno, a pawn to do it?" she asks.

"Well sure," you say and quickly counter, "but how's that any different than what Keith's doing with Cindy and Seth? And even just you guys sticking these girls under those beta masks forcing them to be you so you can be them?"

"We're not the ones using this stuff on ex-girlfriends, Prescott," she chastises. "Look," she sighs, "we wanted to help you as a social experiment or whatever. We still want to help you out as well, otherwise we wouldn't have let you in."


"But I'm worried that this could be crossing a line." Jessica shifts nervously as she says it. "To tell you the truth I'm a bit put off by Keith having Javits under his control like that. Using Cindy to fuck with him is one thing but doing it directly... I don't know."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

But Jessica just shakes her head. "I can't really think of the right way to put it. I guess that with these betas having to listen to you could order them to do... things, you know?" she says. "Unsavory things, dangerous things. Keith could tell Javits to just go into the Wilderness and never come back. You could tell Lisa to..."

"I wasn't thinking of doing anything like that!" you protest. "And I don't think Keith would do anything like that with Javits either."

"So what do you want me to do?" You're struck by the testiness of your response and Jessica must be as well because her own is firm.

"I'd say choose someone else," she states, "and if Phillip has a problem with it then--" But she's cut off by her phone going off, a text you guess because she pulls it out, looks at it for a moment, grumbles, then starts typing. A few more dings and rounds of typing and, frustrated, she puts her phone down. "That was Eva," she says and defeat is evident in her voice. "She's bringing Lisa out here."

"Well that's good right?" you ask. "When are they going to be out here?"

"About half an hour," she answers as she stands up. Jessica walks over to the chest and opens it, she digs around and pulls out something. It's a mask. "Here," she says as she hands it to you. "You're going to need to put it on, load it with up to date memories I guess."

"What do you mean?" you ask in confusion as you take it from her. "We're just doing that whatever to her mask right? Making her a beta?"

"If it were up to me we wouldn't be using her at all," she mutters. "But since we're stuck with it... well, we've gotten into the masks right away. I figure you'd want to do the same."

"Wait, you mean I'd be Lisa?!" you ask in shock.

"Yeah" she nods. "That and... well, how well do you know her? You dated her for a while but how well do you actually know Lisa?"

"How well...?" You give it some thought. "Probably not as well as I'd like to think I guess."

"Mhm," she replies, "so before you order her around as a beta maybe you'd better learn about her. Really get to know her. This is really personal for you, Will. I don't want to see you letting your emotions get the better of you and you ruin things for her as well as doing... whatever."

You're surprised. You don't want to say Mike Hollister's a scumbag or anything because hell, you barely knew him before the last few days. But when you'd see him in class or around school he always seemed a little more carefree so you weren't aware that he had this side -- more cautious, more moral -- to him.

"You want me to be Lisa..." you say as you examine the mask. It's a strange concept but you can't deny it's an enticing one and not just for her body. Getting inside her head like Jessica suggested, learning what she really thought of you and your relationship, learning about her... She's still kind of a mystery to you. "So I just put this on my face?" you ask.

"You'll want to sit down or something too," she states, "because you're going to be knocked out and you don't want to get yourself hurt."

Nodding you take a seat and look at the mask once more. Then taking a deep breath you press it to your face.

The world goes dark.

* * * * *

You wake up for a second time in as many minutes... or is it the first time? Everything went black, you were out, and then what? You woke up and Eva was there, Maria was as well. So were you, dressed in nothing but your birthday suit. An odd scene where you ordered yourself into a corner. Where you were told that it will take a while for the memories to come and so Maria suggested the two of you hang out once you were in the mask because with her would the safest bet; no chance of you getting dragged into anything.

A scene where the Garners argued that everything was perfectly fine. That Eva and Jessica, as friends of Lisa, would be natural for Lisa to hang out with compared to Maria who she doesn't really know.

But that's not right. Because you remember Eva telling you about this video project she was involved in and asking if you'd be interested in being in it. She'd seemed pretty positive about it and as for you? It seems like something dumb but if it's got any level of popularity then maybe it'd be good for your to do something for it. Because one thing might become a regular thing and if you were a regular in a locally popular video series or it managed to blow up...

So you'd gone out to this storage facility with Eva because that's where she said it was, basically a storage unit converted into a studio. But the unit she showed you looked like no studio. It was fairly bare outside of a few things here and there and... was that Will? You could feel your heart beat. What you'd shared with him over the summer... you'd thought it might have been something. The kind of thing you were looking for but it didn't really turn out that way did it?

But whose fault is that? You'd said it was his fault, that he was too childish and it was like you weren't really dating. But was that it at all? Because it was a few weeks before school when Geoff had really started to talk to you and the things he said, the things he did for you... you get giddy thinking about it. This was something closer to what you were looking for so it'd only make sense. What you had with Will was no actual relationship. It was just... a thing. Affectionately platonic is what you'd call it.

But was it really? He sure seemed to think it was serious and he's seemed despondent since you told him you were never really dating. But you had no more time to contemplate and sift through the thoughts that raced through your head the instant you saw him because it wasn't long before something was pushed onto your face and you blacked out.

You gasp and look down at yourself. You're greeted with smooth, white skin and large breasts that you want to grab and hold and caress. Dark hair falls into your field of vision. You can hardly believe it. You're actually Lisa. Every inch of her body is now every inch of your body. And her mind... that flash you'd gotten when you'd woken up, the confusion and dual sets of memories of the last half hour or so.

You can't fault Maria for her caution and thinking logically it's certainly the most sound thing to do. Because it might be Maria Vasquez in appearance but it's still Phillip Fairfax in reality and the calm stability someone like that provides can help you ease into your new situation as you acquire Lisa's memories. Neither are the Garners -- Carlos and Mike -- wrong though. Being a little looser, having a little more fun and all in the safety of friends who you can screw up in front of as you adjust.

But do you need to? Because those memories were so clear and so vivid. You're her in body so maybe you're already her in mind too? Because when you think I am Lisa Roxanne Yarborough, something about it just feels natural.

You have the following choices:

1. You can be Lisa just fine

2. Maria's right; hang out with her

3. Hang out with Eva and Jessica

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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