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Oct 16, 2004 at 9:24pm
Re: 9/11
That sucks!! I hate, hate, hate how our media is controlled by these rich Republicans! It's disgusting. I used to make so many phone calls and write letters and e-mails and sign online petitions protesting media consolidation and promoting free media, but sometimes it just gets discouraging, and I've sort of burnt out lately. I wish I had the guts to make those phone calls to the big businesses and whatnot, but...it's scary, kind of. I feel more confident with my senators and House representative, since I've made a lot of calls to them and they have to treat me respectfully because I'm a voter! (I had one bad experience with an aide in our representative's office who told me off over the phone! I should have reported that to the Rep., but I didn't...I'm spineless!)

Yes, I agree with you -- we're mean to have posted so many messages! I really apologise, Cait, but I've found that I fall behind so fast if I don't reply as soon as I read a post. *Frown*

Visit my web site at http://elizabeth.bouma-holtrop.com!
9/11 · 10-16-04 4:10pm
by Ilona
Re: 9/11 · 10-16-04 8:57pm
by A Non-Existent User
*Star* Re: 9/11 · 10-16-04 9:24pm
by Alex Elizabeth

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