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Apr 9, 2022 at 11:55pm
Best friends Come and Go
by alexmp
Fourth grade,
I set the stage,
The grade you and I met.
It’s been five years,
And the memories I have,
Have since faded to black,
We’ve been separated,
Yet still come right back.
But we’ve changed,
And now I’m more awake,
More aware than I’ve ever been.
You stole my diary,
You’ve tried to steal my hope,
And not just that;
My identity.
You always tell me who I am,
Like I have a part to play,
Weather that may be the villain,
Or saving the day.
You told me I’ve never been in love,
And that I’m obviously denying I’m gay.
And with that-
I have struggled so much more.
With my own identity,
And it was you that helped that happen,
Helped who I am come apart at the seams.
I had everything nailed down,
But being around you obscures truth.
I can’t see who I am.
I confided in you,
At which you just laughed,
And told me I was confused.
Then yet again you told me who I was,
What I was meant to do,
And whom I was meant to love.
I felt like I was heard,
I was in a trance,
Everything I knew to be true-
Because what was I without you?
You were my best friend,
Why can't you be my best friend?
No you can never-
Be my best friend anymore.
I’m empty,
I don’t know where to go.
TJ is the only one I can talk to,
The only one I can be real with.
Mom wants me to make friends that are-
But girls and I aren't really a good match.
I can’t view them as friends,
I can’t do that as much as I can chill with-
And be one of the boys.
Best friends Come and Go · 04-09-22 11:55pm
by alexmp

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