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Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #1742964
Contests With A Christian Theme
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Feb 9, 2021 at 11:53pm
Edited: February 11, 2021 at 5:00pm
February 2021 Contest now OPEN

Any Form
Prompt Annoucement:



Show me your meaning of God's Love in your life.

Let's go simple this month. It is the month of LOVE, isn't it? Show me God's love for you. How does He show you His love to you? Now, this is SHOW vs TELL. Show me with words! If you wish, you can add scripture to it.

Here is your prompt word is LOVE highlight it in {GRAPE} for these beautiful old eyes of mine... lol In addition if you use a verse highlight it as well in {GRAPE}. The person or persons that do both will get an extra gift for Valentine's.

Please BOLD and COLOR IT in GRAPE so it stands out for my eyes, the rest in BLACK... LOL, It is much easier for me. Thank you *Heart*

Please NO more than 20 lines and make sure you read all the RULES. SORRY to repeat, but sometimes you have to. I wouldn't want you to disqualify yourself. Rule # 9. Please add word count, line count, the verse used, and the prompt to the BOTTOM of your page.

[Refresh to load countdown.]

Happy Valentine's Week,

My Masquerade Ball Mask in Red.
"My Secret Valentine
"Cards of Love
February 2021 Contest now OPEN · 02-09-21 11:53pm
by LegendaryMask❤️

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/message_id/3402342