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Sep 14, 2020 at 11:31am
How Rick Got His Knife Back
by imaj
Since someone sort of asked, "How Rick Got His Knife Back is a retelling of the Þrymskviða from the Poetic Edda, otherwise known as Thor's Wedding. It's one of the better know bits of Norse Mythology, outside of the whole Ragnarok bit. Hopefully I achieved the same played for laughs theme as the original.

It's just a one off chapter idea that came to me when we were talking about mythology and which river in the underworld was more relevant. Casting Will as Loki seemed obvious given that they are both trickster types and theres a nice parallel in the killed Hal / killed Baldr parts of their stories. Making Rick Thor is a bit unfair as Rick is way cleverer, but he has the sullen attitude that fits into the tale quite well.
How Rick Got His Knife Back · 09-14-20 11:31am
by imaj

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