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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #1949474
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Jan 26, 2019 at 12:19pm
Update 1/21 - 1/25: Better Late than Never
I really haven’t felt any better this week and it’s been a very strange week. I did get some stuff done, but I honestly didn’t nearly get nearly as much done as I wanted. I’ve been struggling a lot with my motivation for my job work. Part of my lack of motivation is from not feeling well and part of it is from all the drama we have happening here. Those are just excuses, and I can and should do better. I’ll have to try harder next week.

1) Finish my homework that’s due tomorrow by midnight. -- Done! I didn’t have a whole lot left to do, but it was still important that I get it done and submitted on time.
2) Post my January story and put a link to it in the 12 Stories in 12 Months forum. -- Done! It’s nice to have it done before the very last minute for once.
3) Finish my laundry. -- Done. It’s great to have clothes.
4) Change my bedding. -- Done. I’m glad I got those changed out since I’d been sick. Having a sinus infection isn’t the same as having a cold/a mild case of the flu or whatever it was I had.
5) Start the rough draft for my February blog post. -- I’ve looked up the books I want and I’m playing with the opening.
6) Create the needed library cards for the Shads’s residents and check out their books to them. -- Not done; I still need to do this. I went to do it at one point, and I couldn’t find my notes, but I’ve found my notes now.
7) Write an email to whoever is going to Shads and the Laurels next month about the experiences so they’ll be aware for next month. -- Not done. Just didn’t work up the motivation.
8) Write my discussion questions for my book club. -- Not done. Sigh.
9) Finish my book club display. -- Still not done. Which is ridiculous.
10) Give Hayley and Jonathan their stuff. -- Also, still not done. I meant to do this a month ago. Good gracious.
11) Schedule a pre-teen community service event in February. -- Not done, and not gonna get done. Do need to do for March as soon as possible.
12) Create a customer service survey, and send it to Jonita. -- Done.
13) Celebrate my birthday! (I almost forgot it was this week!) -- Yay birthday!

It was a weird week for me and I had mixed results as far as productivity goes. I’ll have to try to do better next week.
Update 1/21 - 1/25: Better Late than Never · 01-26-19 12:19pm
by Float On Alright

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