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Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Jul 13, 2018 at 1:00pm
Edited: July 13, 2018 at 1:02pm
Update: Sharmelle's Weekly Goals for July 9-13, 2018
Writing Goals:
1. Write a poem as many times as I can this week.
I am still in the middle of writing a poem this week, I have yet to finish it.
2. Write another Poem for another Contest.
Not yet because I am still waiting for the results to two contests for June that I am in so that I can enter some new ones again there.
3. Write as many reviews as I can this week.
I have not had a chance to yet this week.
4. Finish updating my Portfolio more now that I have an Upgraded Membership.
I have started adding cNote, and Graphics to my portfolio so far.
5. Look into about adding some of my graphics to share here now.
I have started adding some graphics already for cNotes.
6. Look into seeing about selling some sigs for GPs with my graphics.
I have done so and will be doing so soon. I am working on cNotes right now.
7. Write in my Portfolio and my Blog on WordPress at least once this week.
I have not done so yet because I am not finished with my poem yet that I started this week.

Health Goals:
1. Go to my three appointments this week.
I went to two of three of my appointments this week because I had to cancel the one again this week.
2. Write/make a list of what to talk to my doctor about this week.
3. Invincible Indigos Challenge ~ Cardio Exercise @ SparkPeople ~ The Biggest Loser Team.
I have done this.
4. Invincible Indigos Challenge ~ Strength Training @ SparkPeople ~ The Biggest Loser Team.
I have done this.
5. Do my weekly Check In's every Thursday in Invincible Indigos for Challenge @ SparkPeople ~ The Biggest Loser Team.
Yes, I have done my check in again this week.
6. Log in my Foods and Exercise on a daily basis @ SparkPeople.
I have not been doing this again this week.
7. Find out when my Sleep Apnea Test is going to be?
Still waiting on the referral I think it is, But I talked to the nurse about it the other day.
8. Find out from one doctor about if there are any limits to my workouts at all?
Have not had a chance to call on this one yet.
9. Make notes on how I am reacting to Physical Therapy afterward.
I do so with every appointment I have.

Other Life Goals:
1. I will write an update on weekly goals for this week and get next week’s ready to go on the weekend.
I do so each week.
2. Get together with friends
Yes, I did so this week.
3. Help out at another website called Poetry Showcase this week.
I have done so a little bit this week.
4. Work on my Zazzle Shop again.
I have not done so yet this week.
5. Help Nephew out this week.
Yes, Nephew was helped this week.
6. Help support my friend from Texas while she is going through some hard times.
She has not called to talk yet this week, so I think everything is ok. She normally calls me on Fridays and Saturday nights though, so we will see how things are tonight and how things went this week when she calls me tonight. SHe does know that if she needs to talk she can always call me before Fridays and Saturday nights.
Update: Sharmelle's Weekly Goals for July 9-13, 2018 · 07-13-18 1:00pm
by Sharmelle's Expressions

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