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Jan 11, 2018 at 3:12pm
Entry: Little Boy Lost WC 292
Little Boy Lost
WC 292

As day turned to night, a frantic father, the entire police force, and a cadre of volunteers combed the woods looking for little Jamie Ellison. The five-year-old had wandered away from his family’s campsite right after dinner. He had not been seen since.

Shouts of “Jamie! Jamie!” broke the stillness of the dense forest.

Jamie’s mother sat in one of the police cars parked on the dirt road next to the Ellison’s pickup; Officer Brenda Atkins comforted her.

“I was cleaning up the dinner dishes. I thought he was in the tent.”

“They’ll find him, Mrs. Ellison.”

They had searched the campsite, the tent, and the truck, but to no avail. Now, hours later, there was still no sign of the lost boy.

“Could someone have grabbed him?”

“It’s always a possibility ma’am, but highly unlikely. He probably just wandered off.”

“It’s getting cold.” Mrs. Ellison was sobbing uncontrollably. “He’ll freeze to death!”

She heard a knock on the window.

“Mommy, why are you crying?” Jamie rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Jamie! Jamie!” She got out and scooped him up. “Where were you? Oh, honey. Oh, honey!”

Officer Atkins got on the radio. “Child has been found unharmed. I repeat, Jamie Ellison has been found unharmed. Please return to base.”

“Sweetie, where were you?” Mrs. Ellison said as she wrapped her son in a wool blanket.

“I was reading my book in the back of Daddy’s truck.

“They searched the truck,” said the officer.

“I was under the tarp with a flashlight. I guess I fell asleep,” Jamie said. “Your crying woke me, Mommy.”

After everyone left, Mom and Dad cuddled in the sleeping bag with their son, taking turns reading to him from his favorite book, “…and they lived happily-ever-after.”
Entry: Little Boy Lost WC 292 · 01-11-18 3:12pm
by jackiesmuse

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