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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Contest · #896794
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
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May 28, 2017 at 5:11am
Entry for 5/28 "The lady and the hunter's prey" 300 words
 The lady and the hunter's prey  (13+)
Flash Fiction for 5/28 keywords Music, Whisper and Note
#2123164 by Michelle

Please note: I had the hardest time age rating this story. In terms of what actually happens in the story proper it's tamer than most fairy tales. but the aftermath of some violence is shown. Everything is implied and no real details given but sometimes that can make things seem worse. I probably could have given it a lower rating but I figured I'd go a little higher to be on the safe side
Entry for 5/28 "The lady and the hunter's prey" 300 words · 05-28-17 5:11am
by Michelle

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