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Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #2106267
Get it off your chest! Explain in passionate detail why PREJUDICE gets on your nerves.
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Jan 23, 2017 at 4:03am
Re: Re: What Will You Do With Me
by A Non-Existent User
Hey Margaret Wilson Quinn Two steps forward three steps back until we take a giant leap into the future with a small hop back.

I believe whole heartedly that this is just a hiccup. We are in a bad place right now. Prejudice shows its ugly head when the world is in difficult place be it plague or financial depression. We don't want to blame ourselves so we blame anyone not like us. Oh, War is also a good example of that, just ask George Tika. Right now we have money issues and war issues and no one wants to blame the person who looks like them unless they can find a huge difference.

So we get an African-American president - giant leap forward. But he inherits the two steps back we took before that, so the blame game starts and everyone hates everyone, only they don't. They just need to blame someone and can't see that it is prejudice to do so. Then during his presidency, we take another leap forward and another leap forward and suddenly those people who like the status quo and can't handle change start looking like prejudice idiots. They will hate themselves for it when they wake up to it, but that doesn't mean they won't put that hate outward as well. Sure, it's scary when people act like sheep. But, it has happened before, it will happen again, and eventually our grandchildren will look back on all of this and ask, "What were you thinking. This was all so stupid."

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What Will You Do With Me · 01-22-17 1:26pm
by Margaret Wilson Quinn
Re: What Will You Do With Me · 01-23-17 12:11am
by RainbowFish
*Star* Re: Re: What Will You Do With Me · 01-23-17 4:03am
by A Non-Existent User

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