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New Horizons Academy birthday greetings to Writing.com
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Aug 31, 2011 at 12:57pm
Happy Birthday WDC & Thank You!
Happy Birthday WDC!

I’m Katz, (aka Katzendragonz) and I’m an instructor with New Horizons Academy here on WDC.

I’ve been a member since 2005. In all honesty, I can’t remember for sure how I first learned about WDC. I suspect it was from a fellow member of an online writing group I was in.

I joined WDC because I was intrigued by a place for writers and readers to connect. I love what I found here, especially the great teaching available to anyone with a few GP's saved up, a price even I can afford. In my early writing days, I would have done just about anything to get good teaching, but that was long before anyone even conceived of a personal computer, let alone the Internet.

A whole new world opened up for me when I jumped on the Internet train. I learned more about writing, and writing well, from the people in the various online writing groups I joined, than I had in years of school and college. When it came to learning on Writing.com, I first was a student at the, now defunct, A1 Writing Academy. I learned a great deal from the folks who donated their time and experience to aspiring writers there. Enough so, that a year later the director drafted me to become an instructor.

I can't even begin to say how much I learned as I taught, and still learn as I teach, and what a wonderful feeling it is to be able to give to others what I craved so much and for so long as a young person. In my life, I've been given so many things that I never dreamed I'd ever be able have. As my way of saying Thank You, I give to others whenever I can. It seems though - especially at New Horizons - that I always end up receiving much more than I give.

Each writer striving to grow and improve, that I work with, challenges me to find ways to help him or her understand what I have to share and how to apply it to their work. In meeting that challenge I learn and grow. Even more exciting is seeing students take each step forward, seeing their work glimmer and shine, and having them tell me how much our time together helped them. That makes every effort I put forth, and all the time I spend, more than worth it all.

And, in a way, I am making the dreams of the young girl that I was come true. *Cat* If I can help even one young person achieve their dream of learning, I've done more than I ever believed I would.

And that is the gift Writing.com has given me, and probably the most important reason I stay.

So . . . Happy Birthday WDC, and thank you for all of the wonderful gifts you give me!
Many Happy Returns!

>^. .^<
Happy Birthday WDC & Thank You! · 08-31-11 12:57pm
by Katzendragonz

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