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New Horizons Academy birthday greetings to Writing.com
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Aug 31, 2011 at 9:57am
Edited: August 31, 2011 at 6:31pm
I am grateful for WDC!
by Karen
Happy Birthday, WDC! I am delighted to be able to celebrate with writing.com during its 11th birthday celebration! WDC is not only my "home page" on my computer, but such an integral part of my life I don't know how I could live without it. Well, I guess I'd go on breathing and performing other necessary functions - but my life would certainly be less rich and fulfilled.

For the past few years because of WDC, I have met some wonderful people who have become friends and colleagues in the internet educational institution called "New Horizons Academy." Without WDC, we wouldn't have come together and be providing writing education to members of the site. I appreciate so much the opportunity to help other writers develop their craft.

In addition, I've met folks here on the site who add delight to my life through their writing and friendship. Enjoying their writing skills and humor keep me "above water" when life gets a little rough. I am so grateful for WDC allowing me the opportunity to be a part of this community.

Every year at Christmas, my husband asks me what I want for a present. My answer for the past several years has been the same: "Please renew my membership subscription to WDC."

Head Administrator of New Horizons Academy
I am grateful for WDC! · 08-31-11 9:57am
by Karen

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