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For my group the Next Generation Poets Society or anyone that may want to join it
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Jan 27, 2010 at 11:13pm
Okay, checking in and bringing in a thought to consider.
by A Non-Existent User
Hi, Capt'n Sarge and fellow crew members

I know the group has been drifting a bit, but I have been very, very busy! I haven't written anything new since
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#1596661 by Not Available.
on September 2 of last year!
But things seem to be getting calmer. Even though I am in the third week of "Love Reviews" school here at Writing.com; I don't feel as pressured as I felt during the past couple of quarters.

I am not sure why I am here. I really don't like writing contests because I am very competitive. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it brings out in me a variety of feelings that I am not comfortable with.

However, I don't have a problem sharing poems with my writing peers and I don't mind doing reviews. I think that is pretty much what I have read concerning the requirements of the group.

Now, I joined Writing.com to write and that is my number one goal. I believe in making my number one priority number one! I don't want to get carried away with reviews so much that I am unable to write my poetry and novels.

Anyway, I will attempt to review the poetry and other works of our group on a regular basis and I will leave the Bitem # link to any new works I write as I finish writing them. I will also give our group Gift Point contributions from time to time which can be used as you like.

I believe we should get an image for our group that we can use as we review each other. I will get us an image if you will let me know what you want.

Since we have a Captain and a number of crew members, perhaps I could have an old pirate ship with a pen for the main mast and a scroll for a sail. Or may we can do a space ship of some sort. Come up with some ideas and I will get it made for us. But, keep it simple. A main image, i.e., space ship, sailing ship, or whatever. A generic type, umm, doubt we could use the "Starship Enterprise", but a pirate ship would be enough description if that is the direction we want, or perhaps a destroyer..., then maybe one or two writing items, such as quill pen, scroll or open book.

I guess we have to watch out or our image could lead us down a path of being only sci-fi or horror (pirates).

What do you think?

I think there is a way to send this email to all our members. I don't know how often our forum board is checked.
Cya on the boards.
Okay, checking in and bringing in a thought to consider. · 01-27-10 11:13pm
by A Non-Existent User

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