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Dec 14, 2008 at 6:47pm
Re: Re: Preferred Story Ending
by Amarisa
Very true, given that most people (whom I've talked to) have vetoed the epilogue to Harry Potter...

The story is basically a lesson on.... recipies. I try to stay away from the excuse of prophecies (an easy-out, to me). This one is more like directions on how to make something come about, but it also teaches the reader to look at the smaller things, smaller actions and occurances. There was never a definitive "this will happen by this point" feel to the story, but more of a self-fulfilling prophecy wherein they know the goal, they know how to make it come about, but they aren't looking at the situations that count toward making said goal occur.

So yes, the tools of writing are used intentially to create an ending on a down note. It's not an easy-out. That said, as long as I wind everything up nicely, it works? Is there anything else I should try to avoid?
Preferred Story Ending · 12-01-08 6:33pm
by Amarisa
Re: Preferred Story Ending · 12-02-08 2:56pm
by Kritter
Re: Preferred Story Ending · 12-04-08 12:15am
by Lori Basiewicz
*Star* Re: Re: Preferred Story Ending · 12-14-08 6:47pm
by Amarisa

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