Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/message_id/1678459
Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Contest · #1364493
There's a flash fiction, why not a flash poetry? Round Five is on hold some more.
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Feb 25, 2008 at 5:38pm
Edited: February 25, 2008 at 6:47pm
Finally- The Winners!
*Gasp* I am in awe! You guys are doing well with this contest- the imagery is breath-taking, while the messages are delightful and inspiring! I hate it when this happens...for it's hard to choose the winners...but here they are!

First place was a work of imagination! I love it when poets do this!
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#1382242 by Not Available.

Second place was right behind the ultimate winner! But the twist of words were amazing for the first place winner, as the second place had a sad yet beautiful message.
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#1381992 by Not Available.

Third place was hard to pick out of the other two, for first and second don't usually have the whole list of contestants to battle! But here it is!
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#1381677 by Not Available.

And I promised to look into at least one honorary mention:
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#1382478 by Not Available.
Great job to all- winners and non winners, for you all win as a poet.

All poems were gorgeous, but I had to try to pick out the most influencial with the imagination and emotion*Wink*
Just remember, imagery is one way to catch my eye, and a strong emotion or message is another! Good luck in the next round, which should start in two days!

The list of prompts will be renewed by then, and I hope to see you all here again! The contest seems to be doing fine, so far. And as always, any donation is welcomed!

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#1381132 by Not Available.

 Flash Poetry- On Delay  (13+)
There's a flash fiction, why not a flash poetry? Round Five is on hold some more.
#1364493 by Sweet Cherie- Thanks Anomynous

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Finally- The Winners! · 02-25-08 5:38pm
by Sweet Cherie- Thanks Anomynous

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/message_id/1678459