Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/630667-A-bit-of-an-Obit
Rated: E · Message Forum · Personal · #630667
The purpose of this is to allow yourself to reflect on the you thats you.
How would you describe yourself

This is not meant to be morbid or in the least sad in any way.

There are no gp's or prizes associated with this, just the ultimate prize of knowing yourself a little better.

The premise is this why wait until after your dead to let others tell of your life. I would like you to imagine that this is the last twenty four hours you have and if you had to describe yourself what would you say about yourself I wonder?

It's easier to dwell upon your negative parts but I'd like this to be positive really.

Think about yourself and paint a word picture of yourself.
I hope this excercise gives you food for thought and its fun.
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by My Wee Amanda  •  06-24-04 @ 1:27 pm
by COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME  •  02-24-03 @ 8:20 am
by Dreams - Anon, who are you?  •  02-21-03 @ 5:47 am
by knight life  •  02-14-03 @ 11:59 pm

Printed from https://writing.com/main/forums/item_id/630667-A-bit-of-an-Obit