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A fun exercise inspired by Gail Carson Levine and her book 'Writing Magic'.
In her wonderful book, 'Writing Magic', author Gail Carson Levine relates the story of how J. R. R. Tolkien created the word "mathom" to describe something that we do not want, do not need, but cannot bear to throw out. One of the exercises she has the reader/writer perform is to create a word of their own and supply a definition for that word. I found this to be a fantastic little exercise and quite fun. It is a sure-fire way to get the imagination rolling. To get you started, I shall give you the word that I came up with, along with its definition, and I hope that you will follow suit and come up with your own! It should prove to be hilarious to see what wacky words everyone can produce. My word is "Perseveerance"- An affliction shared by all writers which manifests itself when we desperately need to be writing, but find a million reasons not to do so and drift off course to something else.
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