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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #2322162
A friendship between a princess and dragon.
A princess and a dragon have been life friends. They spend time together.
Gulp Dragondawn was a large Golden Cosmic. A "gentle giant" of a dragon he prefered living his days mingling with the human villages patronizing their stores and going on adventures of rescue and protection with a beautiful princess. As he was friendly with the king and his court he was there at her christining. Upon looking at her he could sense she was destined to be a great friend of dragons. They had played together when she was young, but now she was grown and their bond had deepend. His presance could cause her to acquire temporary unexpected "gifts" like dragon wings to fly or unexpected strength to lift a boulder off a woodsman.

This morning he woke up and stretched in the castle courtyard (he had visited the castle to volunteer to be a practice target for the knights to hone their skills against the "rogue" dragons that terrorized the land). He was never in danger because his golden scales could only let him be hurt by magic. He yawned and waited for the princess to appear.
Princess Stephanie had just had breakfast and saw her father, the King was leaving with the knights. They waved to her and she smiled. She had some berries that she wanted to give to Gulp Dragondawn. He was her friend. She snuck some apples out of the kitchen and they were for her friend as well. Stephanie went to the cave to find Gulp Dragondawn. He was glad to see her. He bowed down and she gave him his treats. There was a cold breeze coming off the sea but it wasn't unpleasant. It was sunny today.

Gulp and her ran by the sea. This was fun. A big dragon who was gentle as can be. She loved this guy. No one had tried to harm him. Gulp could breathe fire but he never needed to. Gulp was an only dragon and Stephanie felt sorry for him. He didn't seem lonely. A blue bird landed on him but the dragon didn't mind. Birds were his friends. Gulp ate some sand.

Stephanie laughed. "That can't taste good, you silly boy." Stephanie hugged him.

Stephanie looked out over the sea to the horizon, There was a ship and it looked like it was headed towards shore. It wasn't one of her father's ships. It had a white sail and the emblem looked Viking. She would rather face pirates.

"Gulp. We may be in trouble. I promise you can use your fire if you need to but I hope these Vikings aren't going to cause any trouble. Let's go hide in the cave and we will see what happens."

Stephanie got on Gulp's back and flew to his cave.
GD telepathically told her that sand was a necessary ingrediant for his fire. He had seen the ship long before her with his enhanced senses. He knew what the ship was. He shuddered as a memory surfaced. Once, long ago he had been captured by that ship. The vikings had their wise elders cast spells on their weapons. They had wounded him then bound him in magical chains and muzzle leaving him helpless. It was only thanks to his friend the king (younger then) who personally lead his knights & navy after the ship. After a mighty sea battle the king had boarded the vessel and forced it's captain to free him at sword point. Now the same ship had returned violating their promise to never come back.

He gently picked the princess in his mouth and set her on his back. He lifted off and set fourth not for his cave but a secluded spot deep in the forest. The vikings knew where his cave was. That's where they had caught him.

"I wouldn't worry about your people or castle. The vikings are after me." He told her the story.
Princess Stephanie wasn't sure she liked being in the forest but Gulp was fast and she would have to hang on as they went fast. The Vikings wanted Gulp and Stephanie wouldn't let that happen again. She didn't have time to alert her father. A blue and green parrot was flying beside them. The parrot's name was Artoul. He was a parrot that the pirates had but the knights and guards chased them off. The parrot could talk and was friends with Stephanie.

"Artoul. Fly to the Kingdom. Tell father the Vikings are here and want to get Gulp. He needs to get his men together and protect us. Repeat it back to me."

Artoul repeated the conversation back word to word. She would give the parrot crackers once this was all over. Artoul flew to the castle.

Gulp and Stephanie were deep in the forest and she couldn't see the Viking ship now. There was a pond near by and it looked peaceful. Gulp went and got a drink of water and so did Stephanie. Stephanie was afraid the Vikings might come into the forest. She was nervous and kept looking around. A breeze blew her blonde hair and she smiled. Frogs were playing.

All of a sudden, Stephanie heard twigs breaking and she saw two Vikings headed towards her and Gulp. Gulp growled and started to chase them. Some of the palace guards showed up and were fighting with the Vikings. Stephanie got back on Gulp and they ran to the other side of the woods. The witch lived in a cottage on the other side. She would be easier to deal with then the Vikings. Gulp and Stephanie continued their journey. The sun wasn't so bright in this part of the forest and Stephanie and Gulp hoped they would be alright. Artoul showed up and said message delivered. He was here to help. Stephanie felt better about things. The witch Grendella appeared. She had a navy blue face and warts all all over her face and buck teeth. She had been riding on her broom.

"What do you want? I will make soup of your dragon and parrot. You, pretty Princess. I will steal your looks and life. I will make you look like me. I think I will." Grendella raised her hands and sparks came out of her finger tips. Stephanie jumped in the air and Gulp flew into the air and they were safe for now.
Gulp was really scared now. He was visibly shaking. First the vikings with their magic weapons and now the witch wielding potent dark magic, both of which could hurt him. He knew that most humans were powesless against magic so he feared for the princess as well. He could hear the vikings to the south and the screeching witch to the north. The west was covered by the ship just waiting to launch their magic nets and tangle him up. There was only one way to escape and he didn't like it one bit. To the west was a stinky swamp. It always held a feel of forboding and death, but at least there was no magic to be concerned about. He bid the princess to come with him. Thankfully the princess had received a temporary gift from his wild magical aura. Gulp couldn't control when or what but they were always useful. This time the princess gained unimaginable speed and grace. She ran through the trees like a deer headed to the swamp.
The Princess was able to run to the swamp fast like a deer. She remembered the dungeon that hadn't been used at the castle. She and Gulp could hide there until the Vikings left. Atoul was flying beside her. She told Atoul she and Gulp were going to a secret dungeon in the back of the castle. She would leave a window open and Atoul could fly in the window and tell her when the Vikings were gone and things were safe. Stephanie and Gulp would have to fly to the castle and the Vikings might see them. She stopped and grabbed her dress. She touched the potion. Yes! The wizard had given her this potion. This potion would make her and Gulp invisible for a few hours. She signaled for Gulp to stop. She told him about the plan. Gulp agreed. They would fly to the dungeon in the back of the castle. Stephanie spilled potion on her and Gulp and they were invisible. Atoul was flying with them. She splashed potion on Atoul as well. He was invisible. They flew to the dungeon in the back of the castle. Atoul took off to spy on the Vikings.

The dungeon was dark. It was spooky. Stephanie found a torch and some flint to light it. They had light. A bat flew over. There were rats. Gulp stepped on them. Stephanie hoped her father's men would capture the Vikings and this would soon be over Maybe they should go back to the swamp and hide. Stephanie opened the window. Now, they had to wait. She hoped it wasn't long.

The witch had found her way to the window. Oh no! Gulp growled and the witch fell unto the rocks below. Stephanie hoped no one heard the growl. Just then the dungeon started to shake. Now what?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2322162-Princess--Dragon