Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2321489-Maydora-the-Giant-Kaiju-Child
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The story of a 159ft tall 10 year old girl with kaiju powers living in Japan.
The girl’s name is May Tatoki, or as many would like to call her, Maydora. She is an ordinary 10 year old girl with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes who has a pretty normal life for a girl her age in Japan, thought they are some catches.

She is 159ft tall, and she has Godzilla-Iike powers somehow and was growing all of her life, so you can say her life is.. unique. Still, she tries to live a normal life as much as possible, while being a Japanese giant monster as well.

She often has to wear bikinis or bras and panties made her size as normal clothes would be too hard to make for her, she has to be extra careful on streets, and so many other things that can go wrong for the giant girl herself as well. Also, she can shoot lasers from her mouth as well.

Still, she tries to live a normal life as she can, while dealing with giant monster like stuff, but in a way, her giant monster size and powers is also a benefit to the city as well.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2321489-Maydora-the-Giant-Kaiju-Child