Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1990164-City-of-Remla
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Mythology · #1990164
I am new to writing fantasy stories about magic and other worlds & love imagery.
I want you to feel like you are in the characters shoes. This is just the beginning of a fantastic story I am about to write. Tell me what you guys think.


         Outside the walls, I could hear what sounds like the beat of a drum. I try to ignore this drum beat assuming it as insignificant. Rolling over in my bed, I attempt to drown it out. Brrr Brrr Brrrr! Oh great, another obnoxious tune that will keep me from sleeping. Ugh but wait this actually sounds like a trumpet, perhaps announcing some's arrival. Stomp Stomp Stomp! Now that must be the sound of people marching towards our wall doors, the entrance to our city of Remla.
          Well if I didn't know before, I certainly know that whatever it is or whoever it is must be important. As I begin to get ready, scavenging around for my clothes, I attempt to peak out the window, The doors of the city walls swing open. An elderly figure rides in following a few other men dressed in uniforms. Rushing outside before I could miss anything, I slam my front door open. Alas, the figure steps off their chariot, dressed in glowing-white toga. The figure turns around. Ah I see who it is, it is my old friend Poseidus, the god of storm. (might change that) But why is he here, he hasn't required my services in over 10 years. He steps out in front of me, leans in and says, "(might change name) Lumo, we have an emergency!" Since I've worked with him and other gods in my past, as a Rift Sealer, this could mean only one thing. It means that someone or something has opened up a rift allowing demons, creatures from hell, and the dead to walk upon us...

Disclaimer: I don't know if I am allowed to mix and create my own gods based on ones that already exist in mythology. Therefore I am saying now that I take no credit in it. I just felt like it would make the story interesting.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1990164-City-of-Remla