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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
July 3, 2024 at 11:31pm
July 3, 2024 at 11:31pm
It seems like I have a million and one things to do but at the same time I'm bored and don't know what to do with myself.

I know part of it is I can't run away into my room and do my own thing. Terry (sister) wants me in the living room with her. She says we are supposed to be keeping an eye on each other. Our doctors are messing with our meds so we need looking after.

I should be reading but I can't get myself to do it because of Terry's constant interruptions to get something for her. I think she is sliding back into being an invalid again. The past couple of days she has been almost in tears in pain. She complains she can't use her arm at all again. I am so sick of the whole thing.

I'm also sick of the housework not being done around here. Dishes are stacked so high in the kitchen that some are stacked on the floor. The bathroom is scuzzy. There's dirty laundry everywhere. Where is David? (nephew/caregiver) Either working on the garden or the yard or sitting outside playing on his phone. I want to scream about it but I only get it thrown in my face that I don't do anything to help get it done either. I was told not to do laundry any more. I was told not to touch the dishwasher. I do pput diishes away when they are clean. I also keep track of the garbage and make sure it is taken out. I don't know what more I can do. I hardly feel like I am doing right what I do.

I don't know. I want to work on my novel but I'm nodding already.
July 3, 2024 at 2:13am
July 3, 2024 at 2:13am
My Most Important Tip

Keep a good supply of your tools on you at all times. I carry two small notepads and a few pens and pencils in my purse. I have one to five subject notebooks in generous supply in my room.
My latest obsession is collecting pens and pencils. I can't go into a dollar store without picking up a supply of pens or notebooks. My friends know of my obsession and are always giving me cute ones they've found,
Why am I so insistent on this? One simple fact: Inspiration can strike at any time. You can't make an appointment to meet up later. You can't send it to voicemail. Best to make sure you have tools on hand if you just have a second to jot down a note.
Have I jotted something down and then not been able to figure out what I meant later on? Plenty of times. What do I do with it? I have a box....it's marked "pieces of string too small to save". It is full of most of the notes I've jotted on the run; snippets of dialogue I overheard, newspaper and magazine clippings..... just about anything that has inspired me at some point.
Why do I have the box? When I feel like I'm totally out of ideas, I clean out the box. Something in there sparked an idea at some point and I'm banking on it will again. Okay, maybe it won't be an idea for my current project, but it will break the dam and get things flowing again.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/mousethyme/day/7-3-2024