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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/999912-Thanks-Honey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#999912 added December 9, 2020 at 1:03am
Restrictions: None
Thanks Honey!
Tuesday, 11:26, in before midnight my time. It was an interesting day with a lot of room for things to go wrong, but they ended pretty well instead.

I was up late, not finishing my blog post last night until almost 1:00 this morning. It had been a stressful night and I was relaxing a bit with a couple of cans of beer and a few shots of Fireball while I wrote. After, I watched a couple of short videos and went to be about 2:00. I dozed right off but woke up a short time later. From there it seemed I kind of dozed and woke until 7:00 this morning when the dozing off failed and I decided to get up.

I hadn't drunk that much, but I could have just as well drunk the full bottle of Fireball and chased it down with at least a six-pack or more. My head hurt, my stomach was all tore up, and of course, I was very tired. I got myself a cup of coffee and nursed on it for a while, visiting a bit with my wife and oldest daughter who was up for school. Soon, she was out the door to wait for the bus to pick her up. It drove right past without stopping!

It was still plenty early, so she relaxed for a bit, then I drove her in and dropped her off, then returned home, still feeling like road-kill. My youngest was just waking up and getting ready for her online schooling when I got home. She always asks me questions and likes some help from me, even if she doesn't need it, so I had to work my tired and aching brain for a while. I drank a third cup of coffee, but never finished it, the normally wonderful elixir was not settling well.

My daughter suggested I lie back down, stating that I looked terrible. I took her up on and trusted her to get her school work done. I fell right to sleep and woke up an hour and a half later, feeling fine. She was finishing up her school work, then spent a bit of time on her phone. I told her we needed to talk about some stuff after I had some coffee, which she didn't argue with at all. The talk went better than I expected, we both talked and she did very well at staying focused and engaged throughout the conversation, another difficult thing for her.

After, she seemed to be in a better mood, and I got busy on some backed up dishes. That' when I got the phone call from my older daughter at school. She wanted her friend to come over after school for a while. Normally we don't like last-minute guests over, but with everything being so messed up with the pandemic and her not having many friends here yet, I gave in.

This got the younger daughter worked up, but she was handling it well. She opened up and talked about her sister getting to go to school when she can't, and now she gets to have a friend over, too. I reminded her that she could have friends over as well. She had recently made a new friend and asked if she could come over. I agreed and she contacted her friend; everything was set, but when it came time for her friend to show up, she got a call and her friend's parents had changed their mind. Another big let down and she really looked like she was going to break out in tears.

Her friend texted her and said that tomorrow would work, so they planned it out and things got a little better. The older girl got home after school with her friend and that went well, too. Up until she asked if she could go over to the friends and spend the night. Of course, I was out having a cigarette at the time and my wonderful wife passed the buck off on me, Again, since they are doing distant learning I agreed if the school work got done. This upset the younger daughter since she had asked if her friend coming over tomorrow could spend the night here.

I must thank my wife for getting me right in the middle of it, but I explained that I had thought it over and as long as it did not interfere with school work, she could have her friend stay over, too. However, they had already started plans for a Friday night sleepover. With those big eyes pleading with mine, I really couldn't say anything to let her down again today, so I just smiled and nodded.

As it stands right now, her friend is coming over tomorrow, but it's still not decided if she's spending the night. She's also, as far as I know, going to be over Friday to spend the night. When the older girl gets home tomorrow and finds out, she's going to be wanting to spend another night this weekend as well. It seems I'm stuck right in the middle, and as I said, I'll have to remember to thank my wife for passing this along.

At least both daughters are happy and the youngest one even went to bed on her own tonight.

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