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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/995077-Walking-away-R183142
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#995077 added October 13, 2020 at 2:14am
Restrictions: None
Walking away... R18,31,42
Space Blog  (ASR)
Cruising WDC cyberspace and raiding ports for blog prompts!
#2223838 by Sharmelle's Expressions

SusanFarmer described "In the Midst of Tumult as "Choosing a stillness moment even as everything around us convulses."

I sit on my porch
bird perches above my head
tapping the gutter

© Copyright 2020 SusanFarmer

To critique this haiku: A specific bird/animal would be better imho. Big difference between crows, jay, sparrows or squirrel. There's no sense of season. "Huddled" or "freeze" would give a feeling of autumn, winter. When I lived in Kansas so would "red cardinal". Here "ospreys" = summer and "eagles" = winter but neither would be tapping the gutter. A flicker or other type of woodpecker would. It's very important to note that no emotion is added allowing the reader to enter the scene and add joy, sorrow or any emotion that's evoked. So maybe something like:

I freeze on my porch
flicker perched above my head
tapping the gutter

Space blog asks: "Everything around us is definitely convulsing with riots, COVID-19, the election, and soon, the holidays. What do you do to calm the insanity?"

Short answer. Write, nap, visit friends. Not successfully. Notes: I don't celebrate the same holidays as most and I do NOT celebrate "Commercialism" so I couldn't care less. I just avoid certain stores (which I normally do anyways). The election has me on edge; I do not like being surrounded by chaos; homelessness was traumatic; this shit triggers it. Covid is keeping me at home which is not helping my mental/emotional stability. We have had peaceful protests here. I don't have television so 'riots' depends on who is defining the chaos; I personally get incensed when people equate protests and riots. Neither affect me much (friends, yes).

Some prompts from "Welcome To My Reality Forum may help to understand:

42. Who do you call to cheer you up?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I had many friends I could call. Kevin was my main pillar of support. But no longer. When no called me from 'back home' I switched to a local number but when my phone broke Verizon wasn't sympathetic so I ditched them after over 20 years and relied upon Messenger and Skype, eventually getting a Skype number (from back home again). But no one calls. And yes, that's depressing. With locals I was used to seeing them... no longer; gatherings in the Season of Covid are not like before.

18. If you were to run away where would you go?

I've 'run away' before. Basically to places where no one knew me. Didn't totally work. Wherever I went my baggage came with me. BUT, I must say it lead to growth and change. I can't run back to the Past, but grasslands whisper to me; I'd love to live once more in the prairie. But, I've also thought of places I've traveled to that I really liked, like Portugal.

31. What can you do to feel more content with what you have?

This came up this week as I had a chance to move to a place that would be much better for me in many ways. But it would also be much more expensive. My friend Travis said I could save my money by just improving my situation here and not move until my legs give out forcing me to move. At that point a small town in the prairies might be best! But should I stay here and travel... I can also rent for one month in Portugal or Serbia with the money I'd be saving.


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