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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/967532-Kiddie-Stuff
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#967532 added October 9, 2019 at 4:54pm
Restrictions: None
Kiddie Stuff
Prompt: "I always cling to things that remind me of being a kid again." Melanie Martinez How do you feel about this quote?


Oh, yeah! I do that a lot! With or without realizing what I am doing. Melanie Martinez hit a nerve here.

For example, when the book sites send me the titles of books on sale, I am immediately drawn to the titles of children’s books, even though I don’t know that such a book belongs to the children’s genre.

Then for a very long time, inside my head, I likened the people I met to fairy-tale characters. One of my neighbors doesn’t know that she is Pippi Longstockings. The others…let’s not go there. This could take too long.

Also, when I hum a song, it is usually from my childhood, and I do it without realizing it. Songs like one-little, two-little Indians and the alphabet song.

Small wonder my kids adored me when they were little, and then, as soon as they grew up, they looked at me with an expression on their faces that might easily have meant, “Yech! Who’s this?”

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