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Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2162356
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#956788 added April 16, 2019 at 11:24pm
Restrictions: None
Another Wasted Day for my WDC Short Story for This Month
Another Wasted Day for my WDC Short Story for This Month

Unfortunately, the title above is correct. Except for this Blog entry, I haven’t done any writing today so far. I have just been too busy today to do any. Most of it has been because today is my birthday. But that’s not the only reason for my lack of writing. I also had a few other things I needed to get done.

The most important one was getting my tax return in for this year. I tried to do it yesterday. But I couldn’t because the post office no longer stays open until midnight. So, I had to do it today. Not too big of a deal though since I’m getting a refund. If I was paying, then I would have been in trouble. But because it’s a refund I’m not.

I have a very bad habit of waiting until the last second to do things, don’t I? Not just with my taxes, but with my writing too. I’m going to try to work on my WDC Short Story after I finish this Blog entry. But I’m not sure how much of it I will get done before I head back to work tomorrow.

Early, I did Open my WDC Short Story documents. But before I could get to it, I got sidetracked by something else that either needed to be done or because it’s my birthday. I can’t remember which one it is right now. But I think it’s because of my day of birth that most planets in the universe call it. We are the only ones to call it a birthday, but most of them call it the day of birth.

Will I start working on my WDC Short Story for this month after I finish this Blog entry? I hope that I will. But I’m not sure that it will happen. Because I have had a long day. And I’m very tired. In fact, I’m kind of dozing off while writing this. So, I might end up going to sleep early again tonight.

If I do go to sleep early, what does that mean for my Blog entry for tomorrow? That’s a very good question. A question I don’t have the answer for right now. I planned on writing it tonight before I go to sleep. And posting it tomorrow before heading for work like I did last week. That was my plan. But I don’t know if I’m going to do that or not. I might have to take the chance of missing a day by posting it after I get home from work tomorrow. If it’s like last Wednesday, that is what might just happen.

The only thing that hasn’t changed in my life this week is what I’m going to be doing tomorrow and the rest of this week at work. I’m going to continue working on my movie Treatment for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. Hopefully, I will start working on my WDC Short Story after I get home from work. I have planned on doing that before. But that hasn’t happened. More than likely it won’t happen this week either.

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