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This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#953603 added March 3, 2019 at 3:34am
Restrictions: None
Not too Good, But Not too Bad for My Water Wars Project
Not too Good, But Not too Bad for My Water Wars Project

It was a very good day for my Water Wars Project yesterday. At least I think that it was considering how many problems I had with it. Not only did I have work to deal with, but the lack of concentration. Most of it was work related. But I also had a little bit of trouble with concentration. It was mostly with my Establishing Shots.

I only got about fifteen paragraphs done today. About a third of them Establishing Shots. The Establishing Shots is what gave me most of my problems. The first few led off Act Three. So, I had to go back over the other act beginnings to see what I wrote with them. The main problem was my fourth one. I knew what I wanted to write. I just had a lot of trouble writing it. In fact, I changed it several times before I got it right. This is one of those paragraphs I may be changing later. It probably isn’t the first one. And I’m sure it won’t be the last one either. I hope that I don’t have to change any of them. but I’m sure that I will a few, if not a lot of them.

Like I wrote above, work is a big reason I couldn’t get more written today. Especially, a couple of hours about an hour and a half after I started my shift. That’s because I was working at two posts at the same time without leaving my normal post. What does that mean? That’s a good question. It means that there was a problem at another post. So, I had to handle that post too from my post. Luckily, it didn’t last too long. Those two hours slowed me down a lot because I didn’t have the time to do almost no writing at all.

Another problem I had yesterday was concentration. True, most of it was with my Establishing Shots. But not all of it was. I don’t know why I couldn’t concentrate. It can’t be the lack of sleep. I didn’t get a lot of it the night before. But I got more than enough. So, that wasn’t the answer. I may never know the answers to any of my concentration problems. Like the Establishing Shots, I knew what I want to write. And most of the time I knew how to write it. But sometimes I didn’t.

So, what am I going to do today? I could start working on my WDC Short Story. But I think that I’m going to work on it during my days off. In fact, I might just skip my secret project for a week or two to do that. No, I’m sure that I’m going to continue working with my Water Wars project today.

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