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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#948132 added December 25, 2018 at 12:56am
Restrictions: None
The Secret of Christmas is Experiencing Secret Christmas
The secret to experiencing peace is to find a solid foundation and to continue to stand there throughout the entirety of this life and beyond. The expression that I've heard all of my life is to "own your own stuff." The negative way of saying it was "Don't be wishy-washy!"

Standing on a belief without wavering can be tough in this contemporary social environment.

"Don't you know that not everybody believes the way you believe?" is the leading line of my detractors throughout life.

"That's wonderful!" is my consistent response. "If we are all of the same opinion or viewpoint, then one of us is unnecessary." What an oppressive world this would become if it ever turns into Borg Prime!

Matters of the heart, matters of faith, matters of personal perspective all seem to drive the personal identification factor off-the-charts. Areas of religious belief seem to be so personal that if there is disagreement anywhere, then it feels like a personal rejection rather than a different experience of life as is often the case.

It's interesting that we humans are willing to allow differences in other areas of life, where we all "own our own stuff."

When you identify your country of origin, then there is an understanding of your uniqueness and your ownership of a wonderful culture, that is shared by many countrymen.

When you cheer for your country's or city's football team, then you share Joy in victory and sadness in defeat.

When you work for a company in a competitive industry, then there is an unwritten rule, that you will only purchase products produced by the company, that signs your paycheck. To do otherwise is considered disloyal and it is frowned upon highly. For instance, if the President of the Coca-Cola company was seen drinking a Pepsi, especially in public, then we would all have the right to question his or her fitness for running Coca-Cola.

As a Christian, I express great JOY and LOVE for "my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." If I were to express similar admiration for some other religious leader, then my commitment to Christ should be equally questioned. If I am ever proven to be wrong, then I will say, "I am wrong," but until that day, I want to maintain an unwavering belief in and commitment to The One, Who occupies the vast reaches and alcoves of my heart.

"Don't you know that Jesus probably wasn't born on December 25th of any year?" The detractors continue.

"That's great, too!" is my first response. I certainly wouldn't have wanted The Savior to be born in freezing conditions in a drafty barn or cave.

The point is that years ago I became convinced that Jesus was born a sight closer to what we call Easter, which is truly wonderful on so many levels. I will try to get around to some of those levels as I have time and ability.

"Why do you celebrate Jesus' birthday on December 25th, then?"

"I celebrate December 25th as one of the 365 days, that I celebrate Jesus' birthday every year. I figure that by celebrating Christmas 24-7-365, I am bound to get it right at least once a year, even if I never know that I did.

The ultimate point of this whole piece is not the question of "Do I have it right, regarding the day on which Jesus was born as a human into the realm of HIStory?" but rather it is the question of "Do I have it right, regarding the new birth of Jesus into the cave of my own heart, Now & Forever?"

Christmas celebrates the fact that The Light of the World came into the world during the darkest days of HIStory to correct the great wrong of Original Sin.

Christmas and Secret Christmas are probably scant days apart in God's Holy Calendar since both are eternally and inextricably linked.

Secret Christmas is Resurrection Sunday Morning since the Greatest Gift of Christmas is the Hope of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Experience of Secret Christmas in the believing heart ties that human forever to the Heart of God. This tie can never be severed.

May The Lord's richest Blessing be yours this Christmas and always! Merry Christmas!

by Jay O'Toole
on December 24th, 2018

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