Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/947725-President-Trump-is-Father-Christmas
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#947725 added December 21, 2018 at 6:18pm
Restrictions: None
President Trump is Father Christmas?

There's a knock on Muzzy's door.
"Hi! I'm taking up donations for the wall."
It's Jake, Muzzy's neighbor, he's holding a can.
The can has a picture of Pres. Trump on it as Santa.

Muzzy's jaw drops as he slowly puts on his glasses.
"Your taking donations for the border wall?" Muzzy coughs.
"Yeah. The commies in Washington wont pay for it...
So, we will!" Jake rattles the coins in his can.

Muzzy sips some bottled water.
"Jake. A wall will not stop illegal immigration.
They go under it, around it and over it." Muzzy rubs his head.
"That's why we want drones to shoot trespassers." Jake rattles his can.

"That's a human rights violation! Do you remember Hitler's work camps?!"
Muzzy chugs a Coco~Cola.
"Jeeze. I have a right to shoot trespassers.. Are you a commie?" Jake squints.
Muzzy takes a deep breath, "Jake your on disability. That's communism."
"Jesus! You are a freakin commie!" Jake stomps away.

Muzzy wonders if Jake is taking his meds...

Reflections~Be careful how much you hate the immigrant.
>>>>>>>>>>>>You might end up in a police state.

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