Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/947316-The-archetect-of-oddness
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#947316 added December 13, 2018 at 11:07am
Restrictions: None
The archetect of oddness?

"I'm a hermit." Bubbles stated.
"Your a stripper at Kittens.
Let's keep it real.. Bubbles" Tasha smirked.

"You don't know me. I was a nun.
But, I lost my faith in God's plan." Bubbles retorted.
She picked up her Naked Grape juice and drank.

"Okay. Let me get this straight.
You were a nun and now your stripping at Kittens?
Maybe, you could do something more meaningful?" Tasha giggled.

"I make 15 hundred a night and I need to pay the bills.
The price of oil has doubled and I have a boy to feed and clothe."
Bubbles adjusted her tassels .. Tasha took a sip of Coca~Cola.

"Was it an immaculate conception?" Tasha laughed.

Bubbles looked hard and long at Tasha, "Yes."
Tasha choked on her Coca~Cola, snorting out the soda.
"I was a virgin and celibate when I became pregnant at the convent."
Bubbles put her hands on her belly, "My Mother Superior expelled me."

"That's bullocks !" Tasha laughed.
"I have male and female genitalia .. My penis is inside my uterus."
Bubbles drank down her Naked Grape juices.
Tasha's jaw dropped, "I saw this documentary on hermanphorditism."

"Jesus. You want a smoke?" Tasha lit up a joint.

Reflections~There is some truth in myths.+

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