Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946680-Sandys-Sandbox-
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#946680 added December 1, 2018 at 10:41pm
Restrictions: None
Sandy's Sandbox ...

"I'm not a doctor." Muzzy replies wishing he had a way out.
"Listen. I'm just saying I think I'd look better with thinner lips."
Sandy continued."Ehm. It's not something I'd worry about." Muzzy squirmed.

"Well, of course you wouldn't. Most women would like some touching up.
You don't know how important a girls appearance is. Men just don't care
how flabby they are. .. But, a little nip and tuck can really help a girl's
self-esteem." Sandy powdered her face and applied pink lipstick.

Muzzy looked at the car clock and wondered if the Uber job was a great idea.
"I am aware of the importance of physical appearance .." he stared at the stop light.
Muzzy took a sip of bottled water, "Ehm. Wouldn't there be a loss of sensitivity?"
He started the car. The drawbridge was coming back down.

"Actually, it can increase sensitivity. Muzzy don't you find a well trimmed girl sexy?
Who wants to look a saggy camel toe?" Sandy snorted as she chuckled.
"Of course .. But, I'm more of a breast and thigh man." Muzzy smiled ..
"Oh? Let's get a pizza!" Sandy had spotted the Pizza Store after the bridge.

"Who doesn't enjoy a jucy slice?" Muzzy chuckled.
Sandy snorted as she chuckled and rubbed her nose piercing.
"Is that your only piecing?" Muzzy queried.
Sandy smacked Muzzy's knee, "Don't get too personal."

Reflections~ Could there be a bionic camel toe?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946680-Sandys-Sandbox-