Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946243-Shirley-Manson-Garbage
Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2174505
It was common knowledge, but most people didn't know it.
#946243 added November 27, 2018 at 6:55pm
Restrictions: None
Shirley Manson Garbage..

"Look I know I'm a pale flat chested snow flake ..
but I'm from Edinburgh. I've got a broge.
And I look really cool in black electrical tape."
Shirley smirked at Greg Ferguson.

"I like it!" Muzzy interjected.

Shirley gave Muzzy a look of disdain.
"Your a pudgy little troll." she retorted.
Shirley crossed her legs, revealing a strip of black tape.
"Does that ride up?" Muzzy queried, staring at the black tape.

"A little." she giggled.

"So... Muzzy. In your book you say that the Earth could be imaginary.
What the Hell are you on about? Did you ever stub your toe or wear black tape?"
Greg Ferguson sipped his serpent mug.
"How should I know? Our senses are not accurate and can be effected by anything."
Muzzy ran his index finger along the black tape around Shirley's left thigh.

Shirley slaps his hand, "I'm not on the menu."

"You look like an offering." Greg retorts.

"Greg haven't you wondered how something can come from nothing?
Nothing cannot exist so we exist, but do we?" Muzzy raises an eye brow.
"Bollox! If we don't exist, then why do we have sponsors?" Greg gave a toothy smile.
"Are our dreams real? Our bodies are made up of infinite organisms .. Who are we?"
Muzzy sipped his water.

"If you touch my tape again, I'll clock you." Shirley replied;
"That's real."

Reflections~Is the night moon reflected in the pool real?


P.S. Artificial intelligence is not artificial..
>>>>>I love sex bots.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946243-Shirley-Manson-Garbage