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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944569-Death-Comes-to-Those-Who-Wait-Too-Long
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2162356
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#944569 added October 30, 2018 at 11:50pm
Restrictions: None
Death Comes to Those Who Wait Too Long
Death Comes to Those Who Wait Too Long

I’m sorry to anyone who might read this Blog someday. I am sorry because I didn’t accomplish what I planned on doing today. Not only because of last night before I went to sleep but for what happened after I got up today. Unfortunately, I haven’t done what I promised myself I would do today aka finish my third Outlines for my two novels.

It all started last night when I didn’t finish the first sixteen Chapters for my Wandita Outline. I only got one more Chapter Written before I went to sleep. Just too tired to do anything else. So, I went to sleep with the plan to get up early to finish it before I started on my Jessica Strong Outline today. That didn’t work out either. That’s because I couldn’t get to sleep. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know. I did get a few naps here and there, but I didn’t get to sleep until almost the time for me to get up this morning. Which means I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night.

I tried to get a few hours more sleep after I got up, and I did get a couple more hours, but it wasn’t enough. Still felt tired. As a result, I didn’t get too much writing done today either. I only got a couple of Chapters done today too. Which means that I have five Chapters to do tonight and tomorrow. Can they be done? The answer to that is yes. The big question is, will they get done? My answer to that one is, maybe. I doubt that I will get too much more, if any more, done today, but I should be able to get them done tomorrow at work. The only problem is updating them in their folders by midnight WDC tomorrow night.

I’m hoping on a few things tomorrow. First, that I can get them all done. Second, that I can get them updated before midnight WDC time. At least I don’t have to worry about the challenge for the last day of the October NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge. That’s because I did it before I went to sleep last night or at least I tried to go to sleep. If I hadn’t of done that I most likely wouldn’t get them done by the end of the month. I still might not, but I’ve got a lot better chance of doing it now than if I hadn’t done the last challenge yesterday. Yes, I will get them done. The big question is will I do it by the end of the month?

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