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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/942996-Its-an-Official-Two-Entry-Day
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2162356
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
#942996 added October 8, 2018 at 11:52pm
Restrictions: None
It's an Official Two Entry Day
It’s an Official Two Entry Day

Unfortunately, I was right about my work situation. This is going to be another two-entry day. Only this day it is because of work. I didn’t get off work until twelve thirty WDC time, and it took me almost another half hour get home. That’s why my first Blog entry was early this morning and my Posting for The Daily One Scene Contest was so late today too.

Posting these Blog entries just before midnight WDC is my idea. I can do it any time of the day. Why did I choose this time of day? It’s because it is almost the end of the day. Because of my new job, I might have to start posting these entries at another time. Especially, on the weekends. If I need to do that I’m not sure when I will be doing it. Most likely it will be at noon my time which is one PM WDC time. the reason for that is because if I wake up at my usual time in the morning it’s already noon WDC time. So, even if I write these Blogs the night before they are still going to be a little bit late in the posting. It’s better if I do them at noon my time instead.

What about The Daily Once Scene Contest? Will I move it up to noon my time too? I’m not sure about that. I don’t even know if I’m going to keep it going much longer since no one even looks at them. Let alone enters any of them. True, I want to give it until the end of the year, but I’m not sure if I’m going to do that or not. If I do change it too, I’m not sure if I want to make it around noon each day. Most of the contest is either at the end of the day or the middle of it. What I will probably do if I do keep it going is move it up an hour or two.

As for what writing I have done today so far. I have done quite a bit. Before I went to sleep last night, I finished the latest day Challenge for both of my novels. Also, set up my short story entries for the Antagonist Short Story Contest. True, I haven’t started the two novel stories yet, but I will probably start writing them after I get done with this Blog entry. I also have done quite a bit of writing on the first Outline for my Wandita novel. It’s almost three-fourths of the way through it. I’m going to continue doing it after I finish this Blog too.

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What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, This has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian etc.).

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/942996-Its-an-Official-Two-Entry-Day