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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/941840-That-Pumpkin-Pie
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#941840 added September 22, 2018 at 12:01pm
Restrictions: None
That Pumpkin Pie!
Prompt: Mabon-- aka the Autumn Equinox. Happy Mabon, Hello Fall.
Of all the food choices typically served in the fall, what's your favorite main meal> Dessert? Tease out palate with delightful descriptions.


Oooohhhh! Now you got me! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, pumpkin cookies… coupled with apple cider.

I used to have a large garden in Long Island with seven apple trees in the back and I made our very own apple cider to go with the pumpkin anything. One year, I tried to raise them myself but the season was short for the vines and also, we had lots of trees around. My pumpkins ended up as dwarfs. Creeping vines need lots of sunshine or a very long season. Thus, we bought the pumpkins from a pumpkin farm in the area.

John Greenleaf Whittier has a poem titled, The Pumpkin. I like this poem a lot because it refers to the earliest history known to us as:
“With broad leaves all greenness and blossoms all gold,
Like that which o'er Nineveh's prophet once grew”

Then he goes on to mention several different places the pumpkin spread its leaves and then, the pumpkin pie.

“What moistens the lip and what brightens the eye?
What calls back the past, like the rich Pumpkin pie?”

And he’s so correct because a pumpkin pie is a custard and a pie in one swoop.

Now, what can be better tasting than that!


Here are the photos of my kids from 40 some years ago.

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