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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/941424-The-Sky-Is-Not-Falling
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#941424 added September 14, 2018 at 4:05pm
Restrictions: None
The Sky Is Not Falling!
Prompt: In postmodern 2018, we live in a culture that is separated psychologically economically, racially, and technologically that it is difficult to sustain our belief in Homeric style metaphors. By this, I mean stories that speak to all of us and in a sense offer e bind us together. So with this in mind, what image or images (metaphorically) depict our soul, you know show us to ourselves and offer us mutual solace. Or have we reached a time when creativity is fallow, flat and useless and we've exhausted our mutual understanding.


Within the context that I understand what the prompt means, I don’t think things are that bad. I suggest those with such dark thoughts and beliefs read history, and by history, I mean the earliest of known times. Even though the world’s population was not as numerous as now, the personal safety of everyone and the safety of every town or state in the world were in danger. ALWAYS!

In our era, with the exception of World War I and World War II, we are lucky to be alive, let alone the fact that we are prospering and enjoying the finest technological advances. And there is more understanding and cooperation in the world, in spite of those who believe in and foster dark thoughts and lies. We can all travel much faster and easier and we all have friends from all over the world through online friendships, for example.

What seems to be a hitch or a boulder on the road is only temporary. If we think right and act correctly using our minds instead of panicking due to our bluish feelings that make us freak out, which by the way, are encouraged and nourished by the lies of the moblike anarchists, we can live through anything. Moreover, we can make things work better and more efficiently for ourselves and for the generations after us.

Because I think this way, I don’t need to search for solace. The solace is in our existence and actions.

In other words, the sky is not falling.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/941424-The-Sky-Is-Not-Falling