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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/938297-That-One-Word
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#938297 added July 19, 2018 at 11:47pm
Restrictions: None
That One Word!
Prompt: If you could only speak one word today, what would it be? Why?


Hahaha! Can you ever imagine me saying only one word? Don’t you know I am usually stumped when Support asks us to describe an image or a concept in only two or three words on the Newsfeed? Honestly, by the time I come up with two or three such words, my mind has conjured up several novel-length whatever.

Well, since you asked for one word and we are talking mostly about writing and lit, that one word is IMAGINE!

Imagine is so flexible. You can add any one word to it and you’ve got a universe of concepts.
Imagine traveling, Imagine Singing, Imagine giants, Imagine forgiving, Imagine Life, Imagine Art, Imagine Worlds, Imagine Love, Imagine Friendship…etc.

Then imagine has so many words and ideas hiding in it, like conjure up, cook up, see in your mind, build castles in the air, visualize, fabricate, devise, create, dream, brainstorm, fantasize, scheme, envision, sense, appreciate...Get the picture?

When my kids were little, I invented the Imagine Game with them. We usually played it while driving long distances. I’d come up with a word or a concept like ‘toys’ and the two of them would get into a verbal race imagining toys that aren’t in existence or unknown to us. It made long drives a cinch. Even after they had grown up a bit, I would overhear them say things like, “Imagine what the backyard would be like if the grass turned red.” Luckily, our backyard stuck mostly to being green, except in autumn.

Imagining is loftier than dreaming because we do it consciously. Imagining makes everything seem so much better. Imagining is fun.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/938297-That-One-Word