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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937910-Friday-the-13th--Grandmothers
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#937910 added July 13, 2018 at 10:02pm
Restrictions: None
Friday the 13th // Grandmothers
prompt: Let's talk about funny superstitions on this day noted for many.


Many of the superstitions arise from our incomprehensible or unexplainable beliefs in the existence of monsters and ghosts. When the brain can’t explain something, it makes stuff up. We writers should know a lot about that performance, shouldn’t we!

Yes, today is Friday the 13th, the creepiest day, although there is no logical reason for it being creepy, but you know, it is our creative minds that come up with stuff that makes even those nonbelievers uneasy.

Funny thing is it is reported that on any Friday the 13, hospital admissions arise even though the accident reports may be lower.

But every Friday the 13, who can keep away from fearing black cats, shadows in the mirrors, walking under a ladder, and bills that add up to 6.66 or 66.6 or 666. Then heaven forbid if you see a funeral or happen to be around a cemetery or on the 13th floor of a building, on any Friday the 13th! You’ll end up fearing for your life.

In fact, there is nothing to fear from Friday the 13th. Our very own The StoryMistress was born on such a day. Now, shouldn’t such a great luck undo anything unlucky for any day?

And I wrote a witch story for my each-day-a-story project. "July 2018 - A Story a Day

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher and a little bit friend. Write anything you want about this.


My grandmother took care of me as soon as I was born since my mother took to bed and didn’t get up for a month, they say, and not that she was really sick or had a difficult birth. I am thinking she might have suffered from those postpartum blues.

I always had a special bond with my grandmother, which probably began as soon as I was born. My grandmother always knew how to console me or how to show me the right way. I couldn’t take the serious look that came over her face when what I did wasn’t right. So I never liked to displease her. Not that she was ever strict, but her approval meant the whole world to me.

I still feel her soft touch and the joy dancing in her eyes when she looked at me. Her face always filled with pride and love when I achieved something.

Nowadays, demands on grandmothers seem to increase with every passing year because almost all parents are at work. Even when grandmothers do not live with their grandkids and they have lives and jobs of their own, they still provide emotional security and extra love for their grandchildren. Plus, they make the best babysitters even when stressed and sleep-deprived because a grandmother is a blessing for everyone in a family.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/937910-Friday-the-13th--Grandmothers