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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/935425-On-Memorial-Day
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#935425 added May 28, 2018 at 8:13pm
Restrictions: None
On Memorial Day
Prompt: This might apply to any country you are from. What are your feelings for the Memorial Day, and if you were made to serve in a branch of the military, which one would you choose?


Memorial day is the day to remember the war dead and that’s why the flags fly at half-staff and Taps are played in services. It is, in fact, a very solemn day of reverence and gratitude and one to reminisce and think about treating our living veterans much better for theirs have been the ultimate service and sacrifice.

Memorial day was first known as a decoration day for the practice of decorating graves with flowers and flags, and it began as an appreciative response to the Civil War dead when women first put flowers on soldiers' graves from their sides. Then, people began to put flowers on both the Union and the Confederate soldiers.

If I were called to service, I would like to serve in any way I can, but if I were younger and could do well as a soldier, I would probably like to be in the Navy. Ever since I learned about John Paul Jones and the U.S. ship Bonhomme Richard of the Revolutionary War, U.S. Navy appealed to me; maybe, also because I love the open seas and the oceans and such.

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