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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/934553-War
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#934553 added May 14, 2018 at 4:19pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt: Imagine yourself in a war setting where everything becomes changed and magnified. What can a war destroy? How much can success, independence, love, art, or family weigh in one’s life when everything is falling apart?


I was born during the World War II, in a country that was not attacked directly, but the idea of war and the subsequent threats of war have been enough to make me feel scared of being in one. For that reason alone, I have great respect for all the veterans of any country who willingly go (or have gone) to war to defend their people and the welfare of their country.

Most of my reading during the last few years have been war stories; therefore, as if by proxy, I have experienced a little bit of what might happen, and it is not pretty because most of all wars are psychological and cyclical. It is as if some leader or some group occasionally starts itching to declare or go to war.

I believe we all need to think about this and imagine a war, so we understand what the people caught inside a war in their country can be going through. Aside from the shortages and the fear, can you imagine how it would feel ten thousand thunderous noises above your head and the fear of being hit by a bomb of any kind, constantly? Then the maimed, dying, crying, population some of whom can be your family, relatives, neighbors, and friends? No, it is not pretty and it is not sweet, but it is something we need to think about without getting freaked out.

We need to think about this so we can feel empathy for those who are being caught in a war. We need to think about this, so we can do everything in our power to stop all wars. We need to think about this, so we can pinpoint and appreciate the true peace-makers when we choose our leaders. It isn’t easy, but peace, world peace has to happen if we want to keep this planet intact for future generations.

I certainly believe world peace is possible, maybe not in my lifetime, given the moodiness of mankind, but maybe in future. I sincerely hope that future comes immediately or at least, as soon as possible.

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