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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/929222-On-Leadership-Qualities---For-Presidents-Day
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#929222 added February 20, 2018 at 1:43pm
Restrictions: None
On Leadership Qualities---For Presidents' Day
Prompt: What are the qualities that make a president or any leader great?


Some leaders and presidents are known for their greatness; others not so much. I think character is important, the right character. But what is the right character? The right character is what can answer the requirements of the circumstances of that leader’s time and the kind of people that leader is asked to lead.

This brings to mind the feisty President Truman. He wasn’t much loved in his time. He had a few deficiencies, and the Americans and the news media made fun of him to no limit. A favorite widespread and not-too-terrible saying of the time is, “I’m mild about Harry!” Yet, Truman rose to the demands of the day and made great contributions to the nation. His entire life, especially what he did during wartime, makes good reading, btw.

Yet, as people we want our presidents and leaders to be flawless, but there is no flawless person, and most of the time our flaws make us who we are.

The way I see it, conscientiousness is a good trait, but a good sense of selectivity about things a leader is conscientious about is more important than blind conscientiousness. For example, fighting for animal welfare is a good stance, but if pythons in an area are reproducing at a rapid pace and are seriously threatening the citizens’ lives, then transplanting or destroying those animals must take precedence.

A leader also should be open to change but in a conservative way. By the conservative way, I mean without messing up more what is in function even if it isn’t perfect. If the change one brings upsets something that is working, be it to a degree, that change is useless.

A president or a leader should know how to be agreeable without being meek and he should also be daring enough to take action when action is needed. A good balance among strict guidance, tenderness, and decisiveness does help, too. As to openness and secretiveness, another good balance is needed. Plus, I have to say, I always worry about people who act impulsively, all the time.

Then, instead of praising religion-based morality in its strictest sense, although I appreciate good morals in anyone, I am going to favor good psychological adjustment that gives people high self-esteem but without becoming braggarts. Those who are not in good terms with themselves rarely, if ever, make good leaders. Subjective well-being is just as important as social and political effectiveness.

To wrap it up, I believe a person who is comfortable in his own skin, can adapt to change in a socially acceptable way, can bring about change without hurt, and is considerate of the welfare of all people has the makings of a good leader.

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