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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924937-Supermoon
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#924937 added December 4, 2017 at 9:05pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt: “The moon stared at me through sprinkled nighttime stardust and I alone smile.”
― Jay Long
On December 3 and 4 this year, we have the Super Moon. What kind of an effect has the full moon on you or some people you know or the characters you create?


It is a well-known and somewhat scientific fact that because of the fluid content of our bodies, the lunar phases affect humans and other animals, just like their effects on the oceans and other bodies of water.

I haven’t noticed any moony effect on me during any of the full moons, except the wish to photograph the moon, which appeared once I got my hands on a decent camera. I haven’t, yet, howled at the moon, and as to my lunacy, it is the same as always, involving books and writing.

The police records in Florida of a five-year period show an increase in assault and homicide cases, and other such claims exist, but are they myths, coincidences, or our wish to belong with the cosmic forces? That is for the later generations to prove or disprove.

I haven’t yet created a character who was affected by the full moon, but I know several WdC writers who have done that very successfully. Maybe someday, I’ll try a werewolf story or a series uniting history with the paranormal, as StephBee did in The Wolf's Torment, which is a novel I enjoyed reading greatly.

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