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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/915626-Garrett-Helmouse
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#915626 added July 17, 2017 at 8:32pm
Restrictions: None
Garrett Helmouse
Prompt: If you were to create a truly evil character, what would his or her evil attributes be? On the other hand, what could his winning or better sides be? Answer this prompt with only one character in mind, please, and if you wish, name him or her.


Garrett Helmouse has an ego as large as a galaxy and he’s full of it. He thinks the laws of anything do not apply to him. I wonder if this thinking is the reason that enables him to stay away from the reach of the long hand of the law.

He’s extremely clever and resourceful, too, but he uses his special talents in criminal deeds and to cause disorder.

Then he is knockout handsome and a pleasant enough conversationalist, but he is also a self-indulgent narcissist. He doesn’t look like he is physically superior to other men, but he can be because he has his own way of fighting. Although he might show machoism when it fits his causes, he can also grovel very easily.

He is cruel and never forgives anyone or anything. What motivates him the most is greed and lust for power.

All these negative things about him probably happened because of his earlier life with a cruel father who shot his mother to death in front of his eyes when he was nine.

On the positive side, he loves animals. He has dogs and cats and a farm with many kinds of animals. He sees to it that his animals are well taken care of.

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