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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911092-I-Told-You-So-and-Other-Stuff
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#911092 added May 14, 2017 at 4:39pm
Restrictions: None
"I Told You So" and Other Stuff
PROMPT: Tell us about a time when someone said "I told you so!" in a positive manner.


I have heard many “I-told-you-so”s many a time directed at me, but I cannot recall any one of them having been said in a positive manner. Jokingly? yes; in a positive manner? no. *Laugh*

I try not to say “I told you so,” even though I could, especially where the ones close to me are concerned. Instead, I wait for them to tell me: “You told me so.”

I am still waiting! *Headbang*

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Mother's Day is tomorrow. Let's recognize our Mom's by writing a recipe for Motherhood. Share with us what makes a great mom by examples of your experiences.


Motherhood: Personalized Recipe

more love
being there with TLC
Letting the kids make their own decisions
listening and hearing
Still more love
trying not to correct too much
holding your tongue and not meddling once they’ve grown up
Lots more love

Each mother decides for herself on the amounts and mixing of the ingredients.
At the end, all may sprinkle the top with more love and decorate with a dollop of understanding.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: X-- marked the spot. It's fun fact or fictional Friday, so mark your spot and tell us something factual or fictional about that spot. Have fun.


It was our second or third visit to Las Vegas. On some intersections, we saw the x signs painted in white on the ground, with each of the intersecting lines measuring about five to six feet, which some were fading.

One of us said, “It must be the spots for new casinos.”

“Don’t they have enough casinos? And why make them at intersections?” I asked.

Another friend said, “You’re right. Probably they’ll be making traffic circles at those intersections.”

“No,” Hubby grinned. “They are for UFO landings.”

That sounded reasonable, being that we were in Las Vegas, as who’d want to land there except the UFOs!

We later found out from a croupier that the Xs marked the spots for the purpose of aerial photography for land-use planning, development, surveillance, environmental studies, commercial advertising, and topographic maps.

I still think the croupier was mistaken and hubby was on to them. Those Xs had to have something to do with the UFO landings. Hubby should know! He is usually on to something.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911092-I-Told-You-So-and-Other-Stuff