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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/909917-Being-Invited
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#909917 added April 26, 2017 at 4:44pm
Restrictions: None
Being Invited
Prompt: "Let's accept the invitation, ever open, from the stillness, taste, its exquisite sweetness and heed its silent instruction." Paul Brunton What invitations to events have you received that made you feel special?


Every invitation is special, and in the past, I had many that I appreciated and had fun attending to no matter the occasion. Such an invitation makes a person feel like he or she is part of something, and being considered a guest in an event is always a good feeling. In the near future, my son and daughter-in-law are inviting us to visit them in their new home, which I am looking forward to, and another couple is giving a birthday party to my husband in May. That will really be special.

Then each time, I fly to visit family back home, my cousins always give large dinner parties, which are exquisite, and I really feel special and grateful that I have such a wonderful family.

As to Paul Brunton, I hadn’t heard of him. When I checked, I found out that he was a theosophist and his real name was Raphael Hurst. He was the proponent of Oriental Mentalism. He is also the person who talked to Meher Baba and introduced the famed Ramana Maharshi to the western world.

The above quote, however, I couldn’t find anywhere, although I came across many quotes by him. With or without the quote having an origin, I wonder if a theophilosopher-mystic like Brunton who was busy with the quest of genuine enlightenment, finding the overself (superself), and being non-materialistic would care about being invited to any place or if any kind of festivity to where people are invited would interest him. It may just be that he is talking about being invited by higher beings, nature, and the like, or about being invited into a path to God or spirituality.

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