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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907151-After-Chuck-Berry
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#907151 added March 19, 2017 at 12:49pm
Restrictions: None
After Chuck Berry
Prompt: Chuck Berry, who passed away Saturday at age 90, once said "I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an artist and didn't paint." I don't really have a prompt for you today; just be an artist in some way with words.


Chuck Berry did not invent rock’n roll or its haphazard abstract concept, but he was intelligent, powerful with the guitar, and gifted with words, so he took his music to the stars, leaving an artistic legacy of finding a larger greatness in rock’n roll.

Since Chuck Berry’s quote is in the prompt, here’s something I cooked up. I hope I didn’t put too much salt in it.

You, the brown eyed handsome man. with Carol, the little queenie, are back in the USA, Memphis, for certain, to let it rock all the way to the Promised Land just to meet up with Nadine, for thirty days.

Come on, Johnny B. Goode join the flock. Never mind the school day and just say "Roll over Beethoven," not that Beethoven can hear you, but Maybellene, that sweet little sixteen, can, rocking and rolling under the Havana moon.

And you’ll never be, during the wee wee hours, in a down bound train , around and around, with no particular place to go, but you never can tell if Tulane would be reelin’ and rockin’ with too much monkey business.

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