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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/906327-Ive-learned-that-Im-easily-amused
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#906327 added March 8, 2017 at 9:37pm
Restrictions: None
I've learned that I'm easily amused...
War Chest Wednesday! We are always learning. What are you learning now?
         Duh! I am learning that I should remember to hit the save entry button after the preview entry button!!! I had my blog post composed, and then, poof, it disappeared... SIGH... Hmm, I'm learning that I have a memory, and I should be able to recall the essence of what I just wrote... so, here goes nothing... blog entry encore une fois...
         I think I wrote something about learning to communicate in the current world. Uh huh, I was referring to tweets and texts. There is a special language to use, a language of short forms, abbreviated words. Why type out a word in its entirety, and over tax your tapping thumbs, or fingers? Responses are supposed to be quick. Texters are busy people who do not have time to waste reading unnecessary letters. Learn the lingo. My mother presumed that "lol" meant "lots of love", and we tittered as we explained it had another reference, "laugh out loud." I like the sound of "rofl" which is intended to convey "roll on floor laughing." This is reserved for something hilarious, not merely amusing. I must admit there were two short hands that I puzzled over, so I had to consult an expert, my teenaged granddaughter. First she rolled her eyes and said, "Really?' I plead ignorance. Anyway, I now know that "smh" is an abbreviated version of "shaking my head", and "idk" means "I don't know." Aahhh, sorta like who's on first? I could reply "jk", "joking."
          My education with instant-messaging also revolves around the almost sixteen-year old aforementioned granddaughter. Apparently, I am expected to communicate in kind when she sends me emoticons, emojis, and stickers. No words are necessary just happy/sad faces, cartoons/comics, cute animals, dancing stick figures, or whatever. It's kinda like making faces from one side of a car window, the recipient is supposed to respond. So, if I receive a jumping, cavorting dog, I am to raise, no, return a cheering Minion? Ah, it's open to interpretation...
         I'm also learning that I still enjoy the challenges of homework. Number One Grandchild likes to share her assignments with me. Out of the blue, she'll instant-message me random questions. What is a colour wheel? Do you know what symmetry is? Can you name textures? What is balanced art? Please explain contours. With her, I am a periphery art student, and I like it. When I was a high school student, my schedule had no room for the study of art.
         I'm learning that an old dog can be taught new tricks. Just this evening, I've had to reluctantly say good-bye to my beloved Blackberry. Despite my offspring's derision and unflattering name, "Crackberry", my cell phone no longer responds to my swipes, taps, and jabs. I'm in the process of adapting to a newer, make that more modern, cell phone. I am bombarded with more bells and whistles; no really, this replacement phone possesses more sound effects. Nothing is familiar. My trusted sidekick fit snugly into all my pockets. This new device seems to be on steroids in comparison...
          I've learned that the online site Pinterest is a fantastically awesome place for procrastinators. Hours can be whiled away "investigating", and "exploring." Do you realize that there are many wonderful types of furniture that can be constructed from recycled wood pallets? No, it's true! Book shelves, beds, swinging chairs, sofas, whatever...
         I guess I've learned that I'm easily amused...

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