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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/905540-Wishes-Miracles-Prayers-Positive-Vibes
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#905540 added February 26, 2017 at 8:04pm
Restrictions: None
Wishes, Miracles, Prayers, Positive Vibes
PROMPT: Wishes. Miracles. Prayers. Positive vibes. Do you believe in any of these? Do you feel they have an impact in any way? What's your go-to coping mechanism in times of crisis, and why?


Fact is, life is one big puzzle and no one knows clearly how its pieces fit. Fact is, I don’t have a clue what I will write for this one. So, I figure I’ll just free-flow.

Wishes, miracles, prayers, or positive vibes are things I have paid tribute to, depending on who I am talking with while believing or half-believing those things at that moment. This is because we humans define our own stability through the relations with others and in relation to others.

This said, the question I have to ask myself is, what do I really believe 100%. I believe that a creation so multi-faceted and so complex has to be the art of a very high intelligence, and I believe in the existence of a higher power or a conglomerate of powers that created everything. In other words, God. I am not here to define God, however. This is far beyond my capabilities. Plus, who can define the unknowable?

This means everything under God is a possibility. Not a certainty but a possibility. Possibility because our minds have reasoned, throughout the history, what people should or should not believe in,for several different reasons such as according to where they are and with whom (which group, religion, race, or nation) they belong.

Yet, do wishes come true and do miracles exist? Maybe, sometimes; then, maybe not. Do prayers and positive vibes help? Maybe and maybe not. I understand other species have receptors that can feel or decipher things locked to us, as our five senses fall short of being adequate. Any person who has some kind of a closeness to an animal or animals can discover that their sensing is quite different and sometimes more sophisticated from ours.

As to prayers and positive vibes, they may help, at least in some ways we relate to one another if we somehow own the kind of antennae unknown to ourselves. Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to revert to prayer, wishful thinking, sending good vibes, or being hopeful. At least, those things can’t hurt, and at times, they can be of help as a means of consolation and emotional support.

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