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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/904428-My-most-frequent-wordswho-knows
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#904428 added February 11, 2017 at 11:53am
Restrictions: None
My most frequent words...who knows!
Prompt: Everyone has a go-to word, that shows up on your blogs or your conversations. Like mine, for instance, is wicked, when I really like something. It's a very popular expression in Maine.
What was your word of the year for 2016? Discuss your go-to word and where your interactions with that word take place. Is it only in your writing or do you use it conversationally as well?


I never thought about it! I think, when I write or talk, my diction is formed according to the idea behind it, but I guess I use some of the same words at times, too.

To find out, I ran the word count on some of my writings but not much luck there. Then, I asked my husband. According to him, these are the words and phrases I use the most: What? Who says? Are you sure? Nice people! How nice! All right! (All these words are said sometimes for their exact meanings but, at other times, with irony, scorn, whatever.)

Come to think of it, the exclamation I use in speaking the most is ‘nice’. I know I say it when I think something is positive and I also say it with a sneering tone for what’s negative.

Probably, in writing, aside from the words this, that, then, what-where-how-why-when etc., my most frequent word is ‘say’ and the different conjugations of it. I might be favoring some phrases like ‘in addition’ and subordinate clauses starting with ‘if.’ I think I also use ‘still’ ‘then’ ‘however’ a lot.

By the way, I guessed some of this. I am not sure what I do with words...most of the time. *Headbang*

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