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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/901915-Two-Great-Days
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#901915 added January 11, 2017 at 1:34pm
Restrictions: None
Two Great Days?
Prompt: There are two great days in a person's life. The day we are born and the day we find out why. How do you feel about this?


Oh, my! Talking for me, I don’t recall the day I was born because the memory neighborhood in my brain probably wasn’t established, yet. There are, however, instances of people recalling their birth under hypnosis, according to the annals of hypnotism. Unfortunately, no hypnotist took me that far back or to any other time or place.

My only knowledge pertaining to me on the matter of my birth has to do with the first baby girl my parents produced. Since she was born with the cord around her neck and she died right after taking a breath, I became the do-over baby girl, the second-hand rose. After that, why I am here is the knowledge that is only known by the great planner of everything, but I still haven't found out about or sure of that why. I am quite certain some people related to me will insist on their version of the why, but I can only trust my own convictions.

I am sure people with higher self-esteem or those who know what they are doing can say why they were born, according to what seems important to them. My question is, how could anyone know that?

For example, was Rosa Parks born because it was written for her to refuse to sit in the back of the bus? What she did in those specific several minutes was very important, yes, but Rosa Parks lived a rather long life. Who knows what else made her important to some others or to some different section of life?

In short, I don’t think we can say with certainty why anyone is here. Maybe being born is a very important day, but after that, every day we live becomes just as important, too.

Just try skipping to live any one day... *Wink*

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