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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/901261-That-Box-of-Crayons
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#901261 added January 5, 2017 at 7:07pm
Restrictions: None
That Box of Crayons!
Prompt: Life is about using the whole box of crayons. What is your take on this?


As profound and upbeat as it sounds, this quote is, in fact, a generalization. Some people try everything to find or create themselves; others come across their answers, by luck or by trial and error. Either way could work or fail. There is no set equation that is certain to succeed.

My usage of my life’s crayons depends on the picture I am drawing. I have to ask myself whether I am drawing a portrait, a landscape, a seascape, a still life, or an abstract. Then what about the size and proportions, and my use of color and shape, together with the movement of forms.

I would also ask myself this question: What is the mood, the story, or the impression I want the viewer to get from my picture?

In addition, a fully stacked crayon-box has an unlimited amount of colors. Wouldn’t my using and mixing all those colors make mud and result in little or nothing to show for my life? Too many colors but our too little time on earth do not make a good combination. A few choice colors, on the other hand, could bring clarity and better adjustment.

I used to paint once when I studied art to some degree, and I wouldn’t like to use crayons to draw my life. The wax in the crayons can be annoying. I’d rather prefer some of the other mediums, and the drawings of my life have to be the results of my free choice that represent their subject.

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